Beautiful Home and Garden

We are arranging our home, garden and vegetable garden.
Why do strawberry leaves turn red? What to do if strawberry leaves turn red?
In the process of growing strawberries, we...
How to sow mustard in the fall for fertilizer.
Green manure is a resource that...
Preparing raspberries for winter
Preparing raspberries for winter in the fall - 6 important steps on how to prepare raspberries for winter.
  There are a lot of cotton in the garden in autumn...
How to Feed Carrots in August: The Crucial Fertilizer for Smooth, Sweet, and Juicy Root Crops
August is the finishing line for this...
When to Prune Clematis in Autumn - Step-by-step tips for each clematis pruning group.
Clematis is a magnificent climbing plant...
8 ways to store gladioli in winter: in an apartment, in a cellar and other places.
Gladioli are a favorite of many...
When to dig up potatoes for storage to keep them for the whole winter. Precise recommendations.
Among all gardeners it is believed that...
pruning currants after harvesting
Caring for currants after harvest: 6 tips from an experienced gardener.
If you want to get tasty large...
When to dig up beets and carrots for storage - specific dates for harvesting.
The two latest root crops in our ...
when to plant irises in the garden
When to replant irises? How to care for irises after flowering?
Irises are graceful flowers that can...
when to plant irises in the garden
When to replant irises? How to care for irises after flowering?
Irises are graceful flowers that can compete with many garden plants. It is valued not only for its beautiful inflorescences. It decorates the flowerbed even after flowering, because its wide and long...
8 ways to store gladioli in winter: in an apartment, in a cellar and other places.
Gladioli - the favorite flowers of many gardeners require attention. They need to be dug up in time, cut, and then put into storage for gladioli in winter. There are many different options, ...
Tiered planting of bulbous flowers. How to plant bulbous flowers in a pot.
There is an unusual way of planting bulbous flowers in the garden, which is called lasagna or sandwich. In this planting, bulbous flowers are planted in tiers, the bulbs are buried at different depths depending on the...
when to remove tulips after flowering
When to dig up tulips after flowering?
May is coming to an end. Daffodils and tulips have finished blooming or are about to finish blooming. At this moment, some summer residents simply forget about the bulbs in the ground and fill the vacant space with annuals. Those ...
Modern fencing solutions: all about polycarbonate fences
A polycarbonate fence is a relevant...
Where to use decking boards?
Decking is not just a building...
Sofas from the Stockholm collection: stylish furniture for lounge areas
A garden or terrace is a place for relaxation...
Criteria for choosing vinyl siding: what to pay attention to
Vinyl siding is a popular ma...